This app has splendid nature related photo frames where you may mix your best pictures with lovely nature photo frames. Besides use advanced photo editing tools to bring the best out of your pictures in beautiful nature frames and backgrounds.
Embed your colorful photo in nature frames of multiple colors, designs, shapes and sizes. Add one of the various funny, emotional and latest emoticons and GIFs to further enrich your photography experience.
Write text and express yourself in your mountain, waterfall and forest Nature Photo Frame using our advanced text tool that allows you to use various fonts, colors and text styles.
Mountain Photo Frames will help you beautify your photo with amazing mountains, waterfalls, forests, rivers, oceans and many other wonderful nature themed photo frames.
- Mountain Photo Frames is completely free download.
- Capture a picture from phone camera or use images from thte gallery .
- Use one of the hundreds of single and dual nature, mountain, forest and waterfall photo frames and backgrounds to create an amazing piece of photographic art.
- Add text to the images with font style, color, alignment, bold, italic and its size.
- Apply effects like sepia, grey scale, sharpen, blur or black & white.
- Rotate, crop, resize easily with simple touch gestures.
- Add one of the various emoticons.
- Save your HD quality image in your gallery or share it using social sites such as Facebook, Whatsapp, Google+, Twitter etc.
- Mountain Photo Frames app does not require an active internet connection.
Thank you so much for using Mountain Photo Editor - Mountain Photo Frames!
- 山相框是完全免费下载。
- 捕捉从手机相机中的图片或thte画廊使用的图片。
- 使用数百个单和双重性质,山,森林和瀑布相框和背景中的一个来创建一个惊人的一件摄影艺术。
- 添加文字与字体样式,颜色,对齐,粗体,斜体,其大小的图像。
- 应用样棕褐色,灰阶效果,锐化,模糊或黑白。
- 旋转,裁剪,很容易与简单的触摸手势调整。
- 添加各种表情之一。
- 在您的画廊保存您的高清图像质量或使用社交网站,如Facebook,WhatsApp的,Google +和Twitter等分享
- 山相框的应用程序并不需要互联网连接。
非常感谢您使用山照片编辑器 - 山相框!